Garuda G Insulator for Solar Fence Energizer and Solar Zatka is having heavy electrically capacity. It is used in solar Zatka machine fencing. This Insulator for Solar Fence Energizer is having life span of 5-6 years. This Insulator for Solar Fence Energizer is made of Heavy Virgin Plastic Material. It has having high strength so not easily broken by big animal. Garuda G Insulator for Solar Fence Energizer is easy to install. Garuda G Insulator for Solar Fence Energizer is having Voltage Efficiency of 20 kv. This Insulator for Solar Fence Energizer is have Strength – Upto 100 kg. Weight of this product is 12 gram. It is made up of Polypropylene Co Polymer Material. Garuda G Insulator for Solar Fence Energizer is having very high weather Resistance.