GE High Definition bulbs are an improved, energy-saving LED that enhance the appearance of colors. Experience the difference with bolder colors and enhanced contrast vs. standard GE LED bulbs. HD daylight light offers a cool, invigorating light perfect for energizing moments and active spaces. Use HD daylight bulbs in playrooms, home offices and laundry rooms. 85 watt replacement using only 13.5 Watts (1070 Lumens) BR40 indoor floodlight bulbs provide a long-lasting, energy-efficient alternative to incandescent and halogen light bulbs These are great for fixtures that are frequently left on and are rated to last over 13 years (based on 3 hours use per day) Dimmable and illuminate your home with cool, bluish-white daylight light Compared to CFL light bulbs, these LED bulbs feature instant full brightness, traditional incandescent shape and are free of mercury Saves 117 dollars on energy costs per bulb vs. 85-Watt incandescent over the bulb's life
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