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Great Value Frozen Cooked Medium Peeled & Deveined Tail-on Shrimp, 12 oz (41-60 Count per lb)
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Great Value Frozen Cooked Medium Peeled & Deveined Tail-on Shrimp, 12 oz (41-60 Count per lb)

Product ID: 460403642
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Make a delicious meal with these Frozen Cooked Peeled Deveined Tail-On Medium Shrimp. They are ready for use in a recipe right away. These frozen, peeled and deveined shrimp are ready to thaw and eat. Ready in minutes, they pair well with Alfredo sauce, pasta, rice and so many other ingredients. These pre-cooked shrimp are an excellent low-calorie, lean source of protein. They're good for you and are delicious to eat. This product is sustainably sourced and third-party certified as meeting the Best Aquaculture Practices standards for the entire production chain including the farm, processing plant, hatchery and feed mill. This third-party certification focuses on food safety, social welfare, environmental impact and animal health and welfare, making them a responsible choice. They come in a 12-oz bag containing 41 to 60 pieces. Enjoying your favorite seafood is easy with these Frozen Cooked Peeled Deveined Tail-On Medium Shrimp. Frozen Cooked Medium Peeled and Deveined Tail-On Shrimp, 12 oz 41-60 shrimp per pound Committed to sourcing sustainable seafood Farm Raised

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Suresh K.

Very impressed with the quality and fast delivery. Will shop here again.

4 days ago

Sneha T.

Received my product in pristine condition. Great service overall.

1 month ago

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Fast shipping and excellent packaging. The Leatherman tool feels very premium and sturdy.

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Great experience from order to delivery. Highly recommended!

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